Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Dating hedgehogs

Well heavy breathing and grunting outside my front door for the past two nights...
Can only mean one thing...

My little hoggie friends are dating again... quite a large male was not bothered by the flash of my camera more interested in wooing me thinks...

Here are two great designs for making a safe space in your garden for hedgehogs to nest and hibernate

Or this rather fabulous one

They really do need all the help they can get and please it you are using slug pellets please use them responsibly, another dead hedgehog found at the allotment yesterday...  or better still don't use them at all.

Slug pellets sadly don't just kill slugs... even the organic ones...

Sadly birds, sloe worms, frogs and hedgehogs all eat slugs,  they don't know if a slug has ingested bait...

Let's support our wildlife!

Use beer traps, use grit...

I put upside down terracotta pots or wood planks down around my plots and the slugs hide there so I can collect them...

In past years I have transported these found slugs off to nearby fields on my way home but this year  (overt eyes if sensitive) I've been cutting them in half, humane and quick then my frogs, hedgehogs or indeed blackbirds seem happy to clear up for me and it is safe for them to do so.

Not an easy decision for me but it rests easier than no veg or using baited slug pellets...


  1. Sweet Hedgehogs, lucky they have you to look out for them.

    1. Thanks Jane I truly do my best but it really is hard out there for them. x

  2. Good advice! I love hedgehogs, fleas and all.

